Tuesday 13 July 2021

Solar Inverter in Proteus

Solar inverter, inverter in Proteus, solar inverter in Proteus, Proteus library of Solar Panel, Cicuit for Solar Panel inverter in ProteusHello student! Welcome to The Engineering Projects. We hope you are doing good. We are glad to introduce and use the Solar Panel Library in Proteus. We work day and night to meet the trends in technology. This resulted in the design of new libraries in Proteus Software by TEP and today we’ll talk about the project based upon one of our library i.e, Solar Panel.

Solar Panels work very great in this era when all of the scientists are working to have a power source that is cheap, environmentally friendly, and clean. Solar energy fits in all these dimensions. We are designing a solar inverter in our today’s experiment. This inverter is the best idea for the engineering project because it has endless scope, it is easy and trouble-free. In this report, you will learn:

  1. What are solar inverters?
  2. How do we add the Library for Solar Panel?
  3. How does the circuit of the Solar Inverter works?
  4. What is the procedure to design a Solar inverter in Proteus ISIS?

In addition, we’ll look at some interesting points in DID YOU KNOW sections.

Solar Inverters

The inverters are the devices that convert the DC power to AC power. These inverters are indispensable because a large number of electronics works on AC and the cons and pros of AC or DC device depends upon the requirement of the device. In this way, we may define the solar inverters as:

“The solar inverters are the devices designed to convert the solar energy stored in the solar panel in the form of Direct current, into the alternating current by the mean of its circuit.” 

The energy is stored in the form of solar energy that comes directly from the sun. This makes it suitable to use for thousands of devices and users can get the ultimate solution of the power source with minimum or no cost once set up is completed.

  • The solar panels are also called the photovoltaic module and these are made by the photovoltaic cells that store the energy coming from the sun and convert it into the direct current.

Addition of library for solar panel

As we said earlier, the idea of the Solar Panel lin=brary is new. We design this library to improve the experimentation and many circuits are been design by using solar energy and solar system. When you search for the “Solar Panel”, you won’t have this. In order to have it in your Pick Library option, just download it from our site. You can add it in really straightforward and easy steps:

  1. First of all, you need to download the zip file of the Solar Panel Library for Proteus.
  2. From the downloaded folder, unzip the library files into the Library folder of the Proteus.

You can also read the full description if you have any confusion about the installation.

Components of the Solar Inverter

The Solar Inverter consists of some simple passive components such as resistors, capacitors, diodes etc. along with other components. Out of which,  some of them are important to discuss. Just have a look at them:

 Solar Panel

Solar Panels are the best source to produce electricity. The Solar cells work when the sunlight strikes the surface of the Solar Panel, the photovoltaic cells capture the sunlight and convert them into another form of energy i.e. electric current. This energy is then stored in the battery or can be used directly to run the devices.

  • In solar panels, the collection of the photovoltaic Module is called PV Panel.
  • On the other hand, the system of PV Panel is usually called an array.


We all know a battery is used to power up the components in the circuit. yet, in our circuit, the battery will be used to store the energy produced by the solar panel. This process continues until the switch is opened. Once the switch is opened, the battery will be used to run the inverter.

Relay in Solar Inverter

The relay is an engrossing component. It works as the controller of the circuit. The working of the relay seems like the switch but it has a magnetic coil in it that magnetizes and de-magnetizes, according to the requirement of the user. This plays an important part in the charging and discharging of the battery as well as the working of the Solar Panel.

Working of Solar energy Inverter

The Working of the solar inverter starts when the user plays the simulation. In this case, we always assume that the direct sunlight is striking to the solar panel and it is producing energy. We can say, the circuit of the solar inverter consists of 2 mini circuits connected with each other.

  1. The circuit of the solar panel is the medium of energy.
  2. The circuit of the battery absorbs the energy coming from the solar panel and releases the energy when the user requires it.

Both of the circuits are joined and disjoined with the help of switches. As far as the switch of the Solar Panel is closed, the circuit does not show any output. When the switch is turned closed(connected) then the energy from the solar panel starts moving towards the relay.

  • The Relay is magnetized and it produces the path for current to flow towards the battery and charge it.
  • In this mode, if the switch of battery is opened, the LED does not show output, but the battery still charges.
  • If the switch of battery is closed, the battery is getting charged and shows the output at a time.

One can stop the charging process by switching the solar panel off. The output of the battery will still be seen because of the charging process until the battery has the energy.

Solar inverter, inverter in Proteus, solar inverter in Proteus, Proteus library of Solar Panel, Cicuit for Solar Panel inverter in Proteus

Simulation of the Solar Panel Inverter in Proteus ISIS

To simulate the circuit of the Solar Panel Inverter, go along with these steps:

Material Required

  1. Solar Panel
  2. Diode
  3. Transformer
  4. LED
  5. Resistor
  6. Capacitor
  7. Switch
  8. Battery
  9. Ground
  10. Connecting Wires

Procedure for the Solar Panel Inverter Simulation

  • Fire up your Proteus Software.
  • Create a new project.
  • Go to the “P” button and choose the 1st eight elements given in the list above.
  • Arrange all the components one after the other on the screen.

Solar inverter, inverter in Proteus, solar inverter in Proteus, Proteus library of Solar Panel, Cicuit for Solar Panel inverter in Proteus

  • At this time, we are going to change the values of some components.
  • Change the value of R1=1K, R2= 18, C1=470uF,Battery=9V.
  • Connect the components with one another by following the image given next:

Solar inverter, inverter in Proteus, solar inverter in Proteus, Proteus library of Solar Panel, Cicuit for Solar Panel inverter in Proteus

  • You can see in the image, the red-colored wire shows the voltage and the arrows are indicating the flow of current when both the switches are closed.
  • You will notice, as soon as you play the button, the terminal of the Relay changes its position.
  • The lights of the LEDs indicate the working of the circuit of the Solar power inverter.

Consequently, we saw about the theory and the practical performance of Solar inverters in Proteus ISIS and we learned how can we add the library of solar panels in the Proteus.

The post Solar Inverter in Proteus appeared first on The Engineering Projects.

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