Friday 19 March 2021

What is Science? Definition, Branches, Books and Scientists

Science, What is Science, Science Definition, Science Branches, Science Books, Scientists, science meaning, famous scientistHello Friends! I hope you all are doing well. Today, I will share with you a very comprehensive tutorial about What is Science? Here, we will discuss science branches, importance of science in our life, popular science books, famous scientists and great inventions in the field of science. Science is derived from a Latin word’ Scientia’ means knowledge. When we are saying the word Science, refers to the study of every simple or complex phenomena occurring around us. For example, from the food we enjoy, to the cloth we wear, everything is science.

Now let’s get to know what is Science?

What is Science?

Science is the most important platform of knowledge and understanding the world. It has improved the quality of almost every field of life. Science follows the following step to understand natural phenomena. Let’s figure out these steps.Science, What is Science, Science Definition, Science Branches, Science Books, Scientists, science meaning, famous scientist

  • Observation
  • Identification
  • Hypothesis
  • Experimental investigation
  • Theory

Before moving forward, we should know the proper & precise definition of science.

Science Definition

  • The observational & experimental study about the behavior and structure of natural and physical world around us.
  • Science is also the understand of a specific are of study by following particular methodology.
  • In simple words, science is the observational study of nature around us and natural things.

Main branches of Science

The scientist divided science into 3 major fields. Each branch covers different areas of study. You must go though these branches briefly for your better understanding.

1.Natural science

The field of science, focus on the study don natural processes of the universe. This branch is further divided into life science and physical science.

2. Formal science

The area of study about formal systems. The further branches of this field are logic and math.

3. Social sciences

The branch of science deals with human behavior in the society.

As I have told you, science is very broad field. It has hundreds of branches. Let’s have a look to some other popular branches of science & their definitions:

No. Branch of Science Description
1 Acanthochronology The study about cactus with time in ordered sequence.
2 Acarology The branch of science, study the mites.
3 Accountancy It is the analysing and ,measurement study of financial & economical information
3 Aceology The study of remedies, development of therapies.
4 Acology The study of medicine
5 Adenology The branch of science, studies about glands.
6 Agroecology The ecological study applied on the production of agricultural products.
7 Agrogeology Branch of science, focus on agro-minerals.
8 Agrology The study about the fertility of agriculture soil.
9 Algology The study about algae.
10 Anatomy The study about human body structure.
11 Astrodynamics The study on the rockets and craft’s motion in space.
12 Bacteriology This branch of science deals with the study about bacteria & diseases caused by them.
13 Bromatology The study about food.
14 Barology This is the gravitational force study.
15 Biology The study of life processes.
16 Calorifics The branch of science, studies heat.
17 Climatology The study about climate conditions.
18 Cynology The study on dogs.
19 Egyptology The study on Egypt (ancient).
20 cytology The study of cells.

I have enlist name of few branches of sciences, getting popular among students.

List of other popular Science branches
Andragogy Aromachology
Andrology Astacology
Anemology Astheniology
Angiology Astrobotany
Anthropobiology Astrobiology
Anthropology Astrogeology
Anthrozoology Astronomy
Apiology Astrophysics
Aquatic ecology Astroseismology
Arachnology Atmology
Archaeology Audiology
Archelogy Autecology
Archology Autology
Areology Auxology
Bathymetry Cambistry
Batology Campanology
Bibliology Carcinology
Bibliotics Cardiology
Bioecology Caricology
Biochemistry Cambistry
Bionomics Cometology
Biophysics Computer science
Biopsychology Conchology
Biotribology Connectomics

How is Science Important in daily life?

Today, we can’t ignore the importance of science in our everyday life tasks. Let’s have a quick look around you. The fan, giving you comfort in summer, is science. When you wake up in the morning, and use brush and toothpaste both are given by science. The kitchen equipment’s i.e. oven & microwave are all about the science. All entertainment tools you are using such as mobile, TV and laptop all are the magic of science.

Science, What is Science, Science Definition, Science Branches, Science Books, Scientists, Science meaning

Moreover, it is the science that discovers the treatment of many diseases. You know, in the past, due to lack of advancement in the field of science, there was no cure for many diseases. But now the laser technology has been developed because of science. In short, science has raised the technology in medical field to a great level.

Not only this, science also totally changed the agriculture field as well i.e. increase the productivity of crops by using new machinery and technologies.

Further, In transportation, all the vehicles around you are inventions of science.

Today, you are communicating to you dear ones by just one click on your phone, is due to science.

Simply, science has become our lives so much easier than before. Even now we can’t live without it.

Top most concerned research topic of Science

There are topics in science world, always remains on top of the list for research purpose. Such as, some diseases are still a mystery for the scientist. For understanding any field, you must know, what is going in that particular area of study. This will not only enhance your interest but also motivate you to study those mystery topics. Here, I am going to enlist them.

  • Genomic and molecular evolution.
  • Relation of metabolism system and exercise.
  • Comparative Genomics.
  • Symbiosis in parasites.
  • Climate changes.
  • Genetic Engineering.
  • Neurobiological reasons of sleep.
  • Behavior of economics.
  • Invention of modern technology.
  • Development of scientific tools.
  • The evolution of Infectious diseases.

Top Influential scientist in the world

There are so many people who spend their lives to serve humanity by contributing in the field of science. Let’s read some of the popular scientists & their discoveries.

Top Scientist in the World
No. Scientist Name Discoveries
1 Andre-Marie Ampere He discovered the electrical current carrying wires.

He also invented electromagnetic theory.

2 Anaximander He revealed the most ancient scientific theory about our planet that it is free in the space. The planet does not need anything for support.
3 Mary Anning He was the first scientist who found the complete plesiosaur specimen. He also assumed the dinosaur diets.
4 Archimedes He was the founder of mechenics &hydrostatics. He also calculates the value of pi. Moreover, he gives new geometry tools, and many other machinery designed.
5 Aristarchus He completely changed the idea about earth that it moves around sun in circular orbit.
6 Alexander Graham Bell He was the greatest scientist who invented telephone, metal detector as well as photo phone.

He discovered the first device that carries human voice in form of light.

7 Daniel Bernoulli He gives very popular Bernoulli’s law which describes the lifting of airplane wings.Further he gives theories about effect of temp on gas particles speed.
8 Elizabeth Blackwell She was the first qualified physician women of America, as founder of first medical school there.
9 Niels Bohr He founded the quantum theory; electron can orbit in only specific orbits around atom. He was the founder of quantum mechanics.
10 Robert Boyle He was the first who properly defined molecule, element and compound.

He also invented the Boyle’s law also called first gas law.

11 Tycho Brahe He had given the way for planetary laws of Kepler and Newton’s law of gravity.
12 Brahmagupta He defined and invented mathematical properties of Zero.

He also gives the formulas for quadratic equation solution.

13 Robert Bunsen He discovered two elements caesium & rubidium.

Also found the arsenic poisoning , zinc-carbon battery.
He also invented flash photography, and revealed the designing of geysers.

Other popular scientist are:

List of other popular scientist
Santiago Ramón y Cajal Galen
Rachel Carson Galileo Galilei
George Washington Carver Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
James Chadwick Carl Friedrich Gauss
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Sophie Germain
Erwin Chargaff Willard Gibbs
Nicolaus Copernicus Jane Goodall
Jacques Cousteau William Harvey
Marie Curie Caroline Herschel
John Dalton Heinrich Hertz
Charles Darwin David Hilbert
Democritus Hipparchus
René Descartes Alain Aspect
Frank Drake  Martin Karplus
Albert Einstein David Baltimore
Eratosthenes  Donald Knuth
Euclid Allen Bard
Leonhard Euler  Robert Marks II
Michael Faraday Timothy Berners- Lee
Pierre de Fermat Craig Mello
Fibonacci  John Tyler Bonner
Ronald Fisher Robert Hooke
Alexander Fleming Grace Hopper
Benjamin Franklin Jack Horner
Rosalind Franklin Hippocrates

Popular books of science

Reading a good book can bring a lot of change in your life. So, check out some popular science books to better understand science. I am going to discuss my most favorite science books briefly here.

1. Burn: The Misunderstood Science of Metabolism

You must have knowledge about our metabolism system. Here, in this book, author provides valuable suggestion how to increase metabolism by exercise. According to author, we burn about 3000 cal every day, no matter what our activities are. Isn’t this interesting? Read this book for complete guidance.

2. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

This is a wonderful book deeply provides understanding to human functions and their interaction with organism and environment.

3. The Drunken Botanist

Let’s talk about another amazing book. This book provides knowledge about the formation of variety of alcohols from plants. The author explains about the production of rice as well as other trivia bits.

4. Wonderful Life

This book is actually about the beautiful nature and describes the journey of Burgess to provide reader valuable lesion about the oldest fossil fuels in the world.

The list of other worth reading science books:

I want to suggest more books of science below for your benefits.

  • Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World:
  • So, You Want to Be a Coder?: The Ultimate Guide to a Career in Programming, Video Game Creation, Robotics, and More!:
  • Black Inventors for Children: Famous African American Inventors Who Changed History Forever!:
  • Math Doesn’t Suck: How to Survive Middle School Math Without Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail:
  • Bathtub Science:
  • The Berenstain Bears’ Big Book of Science and Nature:
  • Queen Bees and Wannabes, 3rd Edition: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boys, and the New Realities of Girl World
  • Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness
  • The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales
  • The Art of Choosing
  • Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind
  • The Mismeasure of Man
  • The Portable Jung
  • The Freud Reader
  • The Invisible Gorilla
  • The Upside of Irrationality
  • Man’s Search for Meaning
  • High Price: A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society
  • Magic Trees of the Mind: How to Nurture Your Child’s Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence
  • Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing
  • Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
  • White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America

I hope this article will help you to better understand science & its branches. For more detail, please read the refer Science books above.

The post What is Science? Definition, Branches, Books and Scientists appeared first on The Engineering Projects.

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