Wednesday 4 November 2020

The Best Technologies for Catching Security Flaws in 2020

The Best Technologies for Catching Security Flaws in 2020Hi Friends! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll detail the best technologies for catching security flaws in 2020.

Security is a key priority for all organizations, and attacks have become increasingly specific. Usually, attackers take advantage of specific bugs or vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive data. The cost of breaches can be huge, which is why organizations are equipping themselves with the best technologies aimed at catching vulnerabilities and security flaws before a potential hacker can take advantage of them.

Let’s take a look at the best technologies being used in 2020.

White Box Testing (SAST)

One of the older technologies that has been around for over 10 years is white box testing. It is commonly referred to as Static Application Security Testing (SAST). This technology is useful for detecting software vulnerabilities early in the software lifecycle.

These issues can be detected through their file name and line number. Additionally, it has in-built adherence to coding regulations.

The Best Technologies for Catching Security Flaws in 2020

There is, however, a tendency for some false negatives and positives to be detected. The technology can also be somewhat complex, which can lead to issues in implementation. They are also not able to find defects outside the application code such as in third-party interfaces. Typically, SAST can find 14% of vulnerabilities within a code. This makes it useful, but it also means that other technologies should be used as a part of a comprehensive security structure.

Black Box Testing (DAST)

A supporting technology that is often used alongside the above testing method, is black-box testing. This is known as Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). Some organizations tend to wonder about sast vs dast. In truth, rather than selecting one over the other, it is far better to use them together. DAST can detect security vulnerabilities in running applications. Runtime problems can also be detected with ease.

Unlike SAST, the exact line of code is not always able to be located. DAST requires a running application which means they can also be used later in the life cycle. Overall, the dynamic approach allows this technology to detect memory leaks, SQL injections, and many other real work vulnerabilities. It is helpful to use it before an application goes live.

Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)

Both DAST and SAST have been around for a while. They are still reliable, but they shouldn’t be thought of as complete solutions for dealing with ever-evolving modern threats. IAST is a newer technology aimed to plug these gaps and to provide a more comprehensive security solution.

This technology works through the placement of an agent directly within an application. It can scan the entirety of the code within an application which makes it very useful for catching all types of security flaws and vulnerabilities.

Runtime Application Security Protection (RASP)

Similar technology to IAST is RunTime Application Security Protection.  Instead of directly testing, it acts as a potent security technology that is effective at keeping threats out. It is placed within an application and allows consistent security checks to be conducted. Protection can be gained even when specific vulnerabilities are exposed.

The Best Technologies for Catching Security Flaws in 2020

This makes it a fantastic technology to use in addition to other security solutions. It is even capable of responding to and neutralizing any live attacks. Security teams, however, should not solely rely on RASP. Instead, they should remember that even if attacks are prevented, the underlying flaws would still require a fix.

Reducing False Positives

No technology is completely infallible, and false positives are to be expected due to a variety of factors. Generally, there is a way to significantly reduce the number of false positives picked up by these technologies.

This can be achieved through the use of abstract interpretation algorithms. For the best results, they should be specifically tailored to the application domain.

Challenges of Combining Tools

One type of tool isn’t enough to provide full security, and therefore a variety of solutions should be implemented. Know that combining tools isn’t always easy, and there are certain considerations to take into account. One specific challenge comes from the fact that each tool will have different naming conventions and severity ratings.

The Best Technologies for Catching Security Flaws in 2020

This can cause issues when you look to rank vulnerabilities and decide on the best course of action. In this instance, it is worth using cross-referencing tools to determine the threats to your application. It is well worth the extra time and effort involved in utilizing these tools since a security breach can be incredibly costly. Organizations are becoming far more aware of these threats in 2020, and this has led to an increased usage of all of these various security technologies.


Overall, there is no technology better than the other. Rather, it depends on how they are used, and many are more effective when used together. Getting these combinations correct and utilizing the latest technologies should be a key security priority for all organizations.

That’s all for today. Hope you find this article useful. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below, I’d love to help you the best way I can. Thank you for reading the article.

The post The Best Technologies for Catching Security Flaws in 2020 appeared first on The Engineering Projects.

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